LIKE IT - video and image 1.0.0
You can see together the content that was"LikeIt" in the video-based services and image-basedservices.Since the flows are more and more information is updated ineachservice, it is useful when you see again their own likescontentlater.The settings of the service you want to use fromtheconfiguration screen will appear to be to ON.There is a one time access authentication to each service atthetime of setting.It does not retain user information in ※ This appLanguages can be switched between English and Japanese.Supported- Youtube- Vimeo- Pinterest- Instagram- TumblrFuture- Instagram- Facebook- TwitterUse API information- Google Client API- Vimeo API- Pinterest API- Tumblr API
Tourism Tips - Japan tourism 1.0.0
App that can browse the local informationofthe Japanese tourist destination.When I look at the tourist resort of informationworrisomeinformation, you may meet to know not information!Local information with a photo of Japan's touristattractionswill be viewing the display at random.Natural landscape of Japan, facility landscape, park,garden,animal, plant,Cultural historic sites, cultural facilities, shrines andtemples,event, center facilities,Hot Springs, local products, local restaurants, touristtaxi,tourist train,Inns and hotels, you can see the information of the genre, suchasbed and breakfast.Search by genre to be worried about is also possible.Please look at the information of the genre search and anxiousandtourist destination by entering the three conditions.Language setting, corresponding to Japanese and English.- Development InformationUse API: public cloud system API, Microsoft Translate API